Seems like I am always blogging out my frustrations, so I decided to blog out some happiness today. This week has been a relatively calm week filled with little achievements.
Little moments that make time stand still in a sepia toned slow motion before color starts blurring in fast motion all around. I love those time stand still moments. Its like being in a movie with the soft lense on a shot of particular emotional import and hearing the director yell "it's a take!" Not that I have ever been on a movie set and hear a director say those things, but I can imagine it feels much the same.
This week Scarlet has seemed so alive. There is more sparkle to her eyes and more mischief in her smile. She has just learned how to hold a cup up to her mouth and make sounds. She loves the distortion on the sound from the cup. I found her playing with a little green cup this week and I laughed at her. She thought it was funny that I would laugh at her and she likes making people laugh. When I told her to show her Daddy her funny cup noises, she put her cup up to her mouth and made her sounds then looked proudly around the room. For a moment she was Jerry Seinfeld and we were the audience laughing at her jokes.
Scarlet has a big white teddy bear on her bed. This teddy bear has recently become a real favorite of hers. I have heard her laughing in her room and walked in to see her holding her teddy bear. This is one of the few times I have seen her play appropriately with a toy! Imagine my delight as she said "Tedydy dydydy Bear" yesterday. It became her word of choice for the day. She was so proud of herself and looked up at me with a huge smile when I celebrated her achievement. Here's hoping it is a word she can find every day.
"Book,book, book", she says every night for a month at bedtime. She loves reading books. It is next in her heart only to bathtime. I am so elated that "book" has become a regular word that she has been using consitantly. She is so cute in her pajamas running around repeating book, book, book.
"Roar! I am a hungry Lion" I say as I lumber around the living room on all fours. Scarlet looks strangely at me as if seeing me do such a thing for the first time. She giggles. Nice, belly giggles that fill a room full of bubbles. When I reach for her to gobble her up she breaks out in peels of laughter. I am seen impersonating lions very frequently these days.
School is going well and Scarlet looks forward to going to school every "B" day. Her teacher is going to have Scarlet teach her classroom sign language, so that her peers can comunicate with her.
Scarlet fell, slippery socks on hard wood floors are like raisins with ground beef...not a great combination. Scarlet cries out right away and burries her head in my chest for comfort. She wants to stay with me and let me make a fuss over her. She acutally milks the moment a task usually undertaken by her sister. This is huge!!!!! This is the girl that often doesn't acknowledge pain. To acknowledge it, cry out for comfort, and to want that comfort to's huge!
Brynn kisses my face as I read him "The Horse and His Boy", he tells me that he loves me. Skye trips around the house like an elf looking for her Little People and asking to color. I find her coloring Scarlet's legs and pants and shirt as she declares that she can color on people. These little moments are like gumballs laid out on a trail through the forest. They make the journey worth taking.
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